Entanglement in fishing gear is still the biggest threat to whales and dolphins.Nearly 1,000 die in nets and gear around the world every day. Here are several ways you can help the marine animals and clean our oceans.

Good choice: don’t release Mylar or plastic balloons.
Best choice: don’t use balloons at all! Choose an eco-friendly way to celebrate a special occasion.
Why: to some marine life, balloons floating on the water’s surface can look like food. But the animals can’t digest a balloon. So it becomes stuck in their digestive tract and causes the animal to slowly starve to death.

Good choice: choose sustainable U.S.A. caught fish and crustaceans. USA fisheries follow much stricter protocols. Visit Seafoodwatch.org for sustainable seafood choices.
Best choice: don’t eat any fish if you really want to make a big change!
Why: destructive fishing and farming practices harm marine life and delicate eco-systems. Choosing sustainable seafood helps support a healthy ocean.

Good choice: recycle your plastics.
Best choice: skipping the single-use plastics and instead purchasing reusable products whenever possible is one of the best ways you can protect the ocean and help save marine life from home.
Why: at least 8 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year. Plastics make up 80% of all marine debris. Marine animals eat or are entangled by the debris, which can cause injury and death.

Best choice: skip the single-use water bottles and instead opt for reusable bottles for your favorite beverage.
Why: reusable water bottles help the environment by reducing the plastic burden on landfills, oceans, streams, etc. They also save you money!
Best choice: choose reusable straws.
Why: see video above. Any questions?

Spend time with dolphins and whales in the wild not in captivity.